October 10, 2022

Festas à noite e passeios de dia: curta o verão alemão

Você sabia que a Alemanha é um dos países mais visitados do mundo? Além de uma cultura riquíssima e gastronomia inesquecível, o local conta com belas paisagens com experiências totalmente distintas dependendo da época do ano.  Dito isso, vale deixar bem claro que para moradores de regiões tropicais, como o Brasil, pode ser um incômodo

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Um paraíso desconhecido: Tailândia, além de Bangkok

Todos conhecem ou já ouviram falar da frenética Bangkok, ou pelo menos do país no qual a cidade é capital: Tailândia. Muitos dizem que para aproveitar uma boa viagem a este país é necessário visitar Bangkok, mas a proposta aqui é mostrar que além da capital, a Tailândia é lar de lugares que valem a

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Viagem de ostentação: Dubai, a cidade mais extravagante do mundo

Localizada na costa do Golfo Pérsico, Dubai tem os olhos do mundo voltados para ela, com suas atrações chamativas e arquitetura luxuosa. É fácil se deixar encantar pelos prédios adornados em ouro e ilhas artificiais que parecem de verdade. O difícil é saber escolher o que fazer em Dubai e como sair de lá sem

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Conheça a parte mais tranquila do Japão 

Os melhores lugares para visitar no Japão são mais do que conferências de tecnologias e multidões nas ruas de Tokyo. Vale a pena fazer uma viagem pelo tradicional, cultural e (por muitos) desconhecido Japão. Mantenha em mente a flores das cerejeiras, as graciosas árvores que marcam a primavera e colorem as paisagens. Aproveite essa viagem

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Here are the ten most romantic destinations in Asia

You want to sweep your loved one off their feet and take them on a romantic getaway, but you don’t know where to go. You’ve considered Europe and the Caribbean, but you’re looking for something more exotic. Why not consider Asia? Asia is a vast continent with plenty of diverse cultures and landscapes to explore.

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The ten beautiful fountains in the world you ought to know

Have you ever seen a beautiful fountain and wanted to know more about it? In this post, we’ll look at 10 of the most beautiful fountains in the world. From the incredible Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, to the Fountain of Wealth in Suntec City, Singapore, these fountains will amaze and inspire. If you are

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Seeking a unique stay? Here are the Ten Most Bizarre Hotels

Imagine staying in a hotel that looks like a giant snail, a tree, or a pirate ship. These are just many of the bizarre hotels you can find worldwide. If you’re looking for an unusual travel experience, then one of these ten hotels is definitely for you. From the Ice Hotel in Sweden to The

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Ten items to pack before setting off for a family road trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun, but they can also be a lot of work. When you are readying for a road trip with kids, there are many things to think about, from packing the appropriate clothing and food to ensuring you have enough entertainment for both the way there and the way

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Guide to Yala National Park

Guide to Yala: Sri Lanka’s Stunning Nature Reserve

Nestled on the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka, Yala National Park stands as one of the country’s most renowned and biodiverse protected areas. It is not only Sri Lanka’s second-largest national park but also one of the most visited, thanks to its rich mix of wildlife, spectacular landscapes, and opportunities for adventure. Yala is famous

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Guide to Shiretoko National Park

Guide to Shiretoko: Japan’s Pristine Nature Reserve

Tucked away in the remote northeastern corner of Hokkaido, Shiretoko National Park is a place where nature reigns supreme. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005, this pristine area offers a rare glimpse into Japan’s wild and rugged beauty. From its snow-capped peaks to its lush forests, vibrant coastlines, and diverse wildlife, Shiretoko is a

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Guide to Seoraksan National Park

Guide to Seoraksan: South Korea’s Rugged Nature Reserve

Located in the northeastern part of South Korea, Seoraksan National Park is one of the country’s most celebrated natural landscapes. Renowned for its rugged mountains, dense forests, and breathtaking vistas, the park offers something for every type of outdoor enthusiast—from challenging hikes to peaceful retreats. Seoraksan, which translates to “Snowy Mountain,” is famous for its

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Guide to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain National Park

Guide to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain: China’s Beautiful Nature Reserve

Also as Lijiang Yulong National Park, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain National Park is a stunning natural wonder that attracts visitors from around the globe. This majestic park, known for its unique blend of diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and impressive biodiversity. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Xue Shan) is the crown jewel of this beautiful

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Guide to Huangshan National Park

Guide to Huangshan: China’s Otherworldly Nature Reserve

Nestled in eastern China’s Anhui Province, Huangshan National Park (Yellow Mountains) is a breathtaking natural wonder that has captivated poets, painters, and travelers for centuries. With its dramatic granite peaks, mystical sea of clouds, ancient pine trees, and serene hot springs, Huangshan is an iconic symbol of Chinese landscape beauty. Huangshan’s landscape is renowned for

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Guide to Spending A Weekend in Taipei, Taiwan

Guide to Spending A Weekend in Taipei, Taiwan

Taiwan’s bustling capital is one of those cities that you never forget. If you’re planning a weekend in Taipei, congratulations! You’ve just signed up for a few days of sensory overload. The city greets you with the aroma of sizzling scallion pancakes, the glow of red lanterns, and the ever-present possibility of rain. If you

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Best Wine Destinations in South America

Best Wine Destinations in South America

If your idea of a perfect getaway involves swirling a glass of world-class wine while gazing at breathtaking landscapes, South America is calling your name. This continent is a vinous wonderland where the Andes cradle high-altitude vineyards and passionate winemakers pour their hearts into every bottle. While Europe and the US have long dominated the

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Best Once-in-a-lifetime Experiences in Europe

Best Once-in-a-lifetime Experiences in Europe

Travel isn’t just about collecting passport stamps or perfecting the art of squeezing a week’s worth of clothes into a carry-on (though both are noble pursuits). It’s about those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that leave you breathless, exhilarated, or questioning all your life choices. Europe is a continent of fairy-tale castles, cobblestone streets, as well as wine

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Best Pyramids to Visit in Mexico

Best Pyramids to Visit in Mexico

Ancient civilization has always been a fascination for many. The Maya and Aztec people in Southern Mexico and Central America were behind some of the architectural marvels that have become bucket list items for travelers. Their ancient cities like Chichén Itzá and Tenochtitlan are among the most famous landmarks in the world. While not as

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