5 Must-Visit Attractions in Guatemala

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Guatemala will surprise you with boundless incredible sights. You will probably never get such an opportunity to witness nature’s unbelievable creations. The most extraordinary things of Guatemala include a smoking volcano, ancient Mayan civilization, and globally popular coffee seeds from the slopes of leafy mountains. Local people cultivate coffee seeds and roast them for international export.

The best thing is strolling around the country in a painted former school bus named Chicken Bus. This country also has some fascinating beaches and mesmerizing blue water lakes. So, Guatemala is calling gringos to pack bags and get ready.

Here we are sharing an overview of the five best-visited attractions in Guatemala

Lake Atitlan

The most popular attraction in Guatemala is Lake Atitlan. Its natural beauty is unbelievable and unprecedented. You might not find such a creation anywhere else.

If you are planning to visit Lake Atitlan, you should dedicate at least one weak to exploring the whole region in all possible ways. Small villages and burgs surround this place. They all have individual and distinctive characteristics to offer. Atitlan’s villages and towns are designed with an eclectic blend. Some adopt contemporary trends, and the rest are more traditional.

You need to cross the city of Panajachel to get to Lake Atitlan. After reaching the location, another scene is waiting to amaze you. You will feel a flavor of the primitive era when you ride a water taxi to access the villages. It will be an excellent time for every tourist.

Even you can get engaged with cultural activities like; taking part in Spanish learning and other spiritual acts.


Guatemala has many significant draws that insist people come and discover the country. Pacaya is one of those most prominent attractions and offers volcanic terrain. At present, only three of them are living. Despite that, the scenic view is incredible and stunning.

Pacaya is probably the most-traveled volcanic sight by gringos. The fascinating part is seeing the beautiful surrounding and immense nature view from the top of the place. As per the recorded data, the last explosion occurred 20,000 years. Now, this black topography explains the creation.

Pacaya is a place with a position of 255 feet above the sea-level. It will be an adventurous hike if you want to hike to the top of the place to explore the gigantic view of the Pacific Ocean and the countryside view in just the opposite part.

National Palace Of Culture

The visitors profoundly utter National Palace Of culture due to its museum. Tourists come to this place from Guatemala or beyond the boundary. This palace of culture hosts many musical events and different shows. The exciting thing about Guatemala is music insanity among the people. Even you can feel the flavor of the music throughout the city with street performances and various live concerts.

This glorious establishment is the pride of Guatemala due to its incredible architecture and perplexing design. This city is the home of Guatemala’s administration.

Chichicastenango Market

There are a few possible ways to experience the local life of Guatemala, but meandering the supermarkets will be an exciting activity. Chichicastenango is one of those markets where you can find almost every household thing.

The locals call this supermarket area Chichi. If you visit the marker other than Thursday and Sunday, you will surely miss the market vibes. So, it will be better if you visit the market on market days, you can discover the market in a new way. This popularity makes the market the busiest market in Guatemala.

You will learn about their challenging lifestyle if you interact with the locals. Mainly locals operate the Chichi market. The market turns colorful with handcrafted products, textile workpieces, blankets, and varieties of culinary food items.

The scenic views, cities’ lights, sounds, nightlife, the smell of flowers, and colorful Chichi market are some significant spots for sagacity and lifetime experience.


Tikal is rooted in the Mayan Empire. This place exhibits the Mayan ruins as a natural wonder with spectacular views. The ruined sights sit in the heart of the intoxicated green rainforest. So along with the rich history, you must appreciate Tikal’s nature creations.

This lush forest is considered one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites and lies within the Tikal National Park. It is another noteworthy place in Tikal. This forest region claims itself the most extended Mayan debris discovered in the pre-Columbian period.

The instances of Mayan ruins, such as; pyramids and temples, reflect the traditional architecture. Tikal comes as surprising every moment with easy access to the debris of the Mayan Empire. Besides this, if you want to explore the Tikal National Park, you must pay a considerable amount to visit this expensive area.

The most exciting fact about Guatemala is that you will have a candid list of attractive places. It is the only place on the earth where you will find the fusion of distinctive views of volcanoes, beaches, forests, ancient structures, and vibrant cultures. So, whatever you wish to have on your trip, it is for sure that Guatemala will fulfill your desires. Read more about things you must have on your bucket list, here.


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