It’s Spring… time for Beauty Rituals

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It’s time for an awakening….
Mother Nature is awakening and so it’s time for our bodies to do the same. We find ourselves after the winter torpor where, in the dark and in our depths, seeds of projects and new ideas have been cradled.

The light of the first spring sun peeps out and comes to meet us. The temperature becomes more pleasant, we need to start to lighten our body and our skin not only from the heavy sweaters, but it is important to clean ourselves internally and externally by letting go of what we have held with the winter.

On the vernal equinox, Nature buds and blossoms, we too are called to be reborn and blossom in our entire being, celebrating the joy of the new time that is advancing.


We honor our bodies
Every moment of the day is a sacred time to honor who we are and can be accompanied by a ritual to remind us of this and to support the season we are living, whether it is related to the cycles of Nature or to our cycles of Life.

Let us celebrate the awakening of Nature, the rebirth of our beauty and the connection with Mother Earth.
Let’s celebrate her and rejoice together of the Life that blossoms and manifests itself in all its forms with two rituals designed to honor our soul and our body at the first light of Dawn and at Sunset, accompanied by our plant friends and our great Teacher Birch
who will give us her breath and her presence to dance with joy the renewal in fluidity.

We propose two rituals for the care and nourishment of a body that has a soul.

“And as seeds dream under the snow, your heart dreams of spring.”

Ritual of Dawn



Good mornings are best… and this ritual can only open the door to the light within each of us and make us glow with the beauty and energy of the master plants:

We start the day by offering our favorite Rose Aromatic Water scent to our cleansed face to dance the day away in beauty, awakening our heart, body and soul. Vaporized or dabbed in white cotton balls, it is a real nourishment for our skin and not only, also taken orally or sprayed in the environment it generously offers its properties.
Let’s continue by awakening our senses with the Violet Tonic to bring balance and sweetness. Let us be caressed by the soft pads carrying this balancing nectar that we can also use through compresses during the most tiring days.
Let’s give our skin a few minutes to savor and continue on the same aromatic notes with the Violet Cream. A light cream but with a great reminder of life, Viola tricolor stimulates the natural production of hyaluronic acid facilitating the transport of water in the dermis. As from a precious chalice, with the tips of our fingers pick up a small amount, put it on our face and distribute it on our cheeks, eye contour, forehead, chin and neck and start massaging.
Almost ready to go out we could take with us a faithful travel companion: Birch Breath. A few sprays around our aura will support us to experience the renewal that is in the air and dance with joy the flow of our revealed beauty. We can diffuse it in the home, in the office and in all those places that need lightness and light, so that they can be experienced without our most sensitive part being weighed down.
Now we are ready to face a new day with the scent, the energy and the well-being of plants that wrap us like a graceful flowery cloak.

Now we are ready to face a new day with the scent, the energy and the well-being of plants that wrap us like a graceful flowery cloak.

Sunset Ritual

The evening is the time when the pace should be slow, to prepare us then to the night, is the time to cleanse our face cleansing and purifying it from the day:

We put a small amount of Lavender Face Gel on the hands and with gentle caresses cover our face, massaging, giving time for a minimum absorption. Then collecting the water in the cup of our hands, we rinse away impurities, thoughts and tensions of the day. A preparation that enlightens, cleanses, moisturizes, flushes and purifies thanks to the gemmoderivatives it contains.

We are now ready to give ourselves the last nourishment of the day: the combination of Base Cream and Green Light Nectar can lead us to abandon ourselves confidently into the arms of the night. These two preparations help us to experience, through our bodies, that serenity that unconditional Love offers, allowing us to flow with faith and fruitful simplicity into our lives.
Let us therefore abandon ourselves to welcome the aromatherapeutic message of Love and Beauty contained in the Nectar of Green Light. Let’s shake the small casket so that the essential oils and flower remedies can merge into a sweet embrace. We gently tilt the nectar, so ready to reach our soul, and place a small touch on both wrists, rubbing them together. Now all we have to do is to let ourselves be inundated by its scent, shifting our attention for a moment to our inner beauty, breathing it in with our eyes closed and letting ourselves be carried away by its light.
And now let’s bring the aromatherapeutic inspiration of the Nectar to our skin, pampering ourselves with the purity of the ingredients of the Base Cream. We drink our hands in several quantities, as if to sip this precious alchemy that speaks to us of green forests, of welcoming meadows and with harmonious movements we move our hands thanking our whole body.
Let this last dance, together with the Birch Breath vaporized around us, honor the day we have just lived and remind us that we belong to the Soul of the World and to its Beauty.

Every gesture made, let’s remember, is worth more than a thousand words, so why not honor our days, with these small gestures of beauty dedicated to us?


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