Serengeti National Park

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Serengeti National Park is Tanzania’s most famous park and one of the most famous in the world.

The Serengeti ecosystem is home to more than 1,500,000 wildebeests, about 300,000 zebras, 500,000 Thompson’s gazelles, more than 2,700 lions, 1,000 leopards, 500 cheetahs, huge herds of elephants, eland, impala, water antelope, giraffes, ostriches, genets, and the waterways are populated by crocodiles and hippos; there are more than 400 species of birds.

“If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa.”

John Hemingway 


The 15,000 square kilometers of the Serengeti National Park are only the largest portion of a larger ecosystem, which also includes the Ngorongoro Plains (the flat region to the northeast of the Ngorongoro Crater, which plays an important role in the famous migration and is administered by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area) and the Maasai Mara (located further north, in Kenya). Here, the orography, soil composition and, consequently, the type of vegetation, allow for animal sightings without equal in Africa.

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