6 Popular Italian Festivals

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The best way to learn about Italy’s culture, traditions, and history is by visiting Italy during Festivals. Italians are believed to appreciate every moment of their lives so they never get bored and celebrate many festivities on a larger scale and with excitement. If you are planning your next trip to Italy, make sure to visit it during one of the popular festivals. You will get an indelible experience while being there. It is the best way to learn about Italy almost exclusively. We have brought some of the most popular festivals in Italy, so let’s dive in.

Oh, Bej! Oh, Bej!

Oh, Bej! Oh, Bej! is one of the most important Christmas markets in Milan. Every year it is celebrated in December in front of Castello Sforzesco. Thousands of people from all across the world are attracted to this place. You will get to see antiques, bric-a-brac, decorations, sweets, and winter delicacies. It is one of the oldest traditions in Milan dating back to 1288. Out of all the traditional Christmas festivals, it is the most awaited and enthusiastically celebrated. During Sant’Ambrogio week, many events are celebrated, out of which this is the most remarkable.


The Battle of the Oranges

The Battle of the Oranges is one of the most popular Italian food festivals. You will not find any other festival like this. You may call it the messiest, brutalist, and most hilarious food fight. It is celebrated in Ivera every year in February. It reminds us of the people’s uprising against and the beheading of a medieval tyrant. During this orange battle, oranges are used as raging ammunition through the streets and town squares. The throwers are on horse carriages. These festivities last for three days at the end of which there is a Solemn Funeral on Shrove Tuesday.




Carnevale is another popular Italian Festival celebrated in Cento, Ivera, Venice, and Viareggio. This festival is celebrated to mark the commencement of the Lent period and Easter. Carnevale is an ancient festival dating back to the 12th century. During this festival, parties, parades, and masquerade balls are organized in various towns in Italy. Some of these events are expensive and not recommended for tourists. However, there are many free things to enjoy as well like street performances, concerts, and boat parades. It lasts for about two weeks and millions of people from across the world enjoy the festivities.


Infiorata Festival

The Infiorata Festival is the time of the year when you will see the beautiful Italian cities decorated with petal mosaics. Some of these beautifully designed mosaics are even several hundred meters long. This festival originated back in 1625 in the heart of the Vatican. However, later it spread throughout the country. If you are in Italy during the time of the festival, we recommend you to experience one of the biggest Infiorata in the Sicilian town of Noto. These celebrations are held in late May and early June. Some of the most prominent destinations to visit during this festival are Pienza, Orvieto, Potenzoni di Briatico, Brugnato, and across Emilia Romagna.

Palio di Siena

Palio di Siena is one of the most attractive and popular Italian Festivals. In this ceremony, 17 contra de districts of Italy compete against each other in a horse riding game in Piazza del Campo, Sienna. It is amazing to be a part of this festival. The winner gets a Palio. The horse riding festival takes place twice a year in July and August. This rip-roaring, hair-raising show of horse expertise is fun to witness. After the race, there is also a large pageant called the Corteo Storico. During this pageant,  everyone dresses in medieval clothes and waves flags around.

Snake Handlers’ Procession

Snake Handlers’ Procession or Festa Dei Serpari is another popular Italian Festival. It is celebrated each year on the first Thursday of May. It is a slithery ritual that transpires in the medieval town of Cocullo. You will see locals parade through the streets. What makes this parade unique is that they carry snakes, they are especially caught. Later on, Serpari the snake specialists get snakes wrapped around the statue of Domenico di sora. There are various folktales about it, be there and you will listen to stories you have never heard before. The festival takes place at Cocullo in May.


Final Words

The hospitable and friendly people of Italy are live hearted. They live in the moment and don’t miss a chance to celebrate. Therefore,  the history of Italy is enriched with traditional and cultural festivals. If you have ever been to Italy during festival times, you are lucky to experience the best events, unique food, and wine experiences. Get lost in the joyous and festive environment and make unforgettable lifelong memories. What are you waiting for?



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