Diana Doe

Hi, I’m Diana, I love to travel all over the world, but it’s Africa that holds a special place in my heart. My mission in life is to help people.

10 different coffee around the world

People the world over follow a very similar ritual: wake up, grab a cup of coffee. Where the ritual diverts, however, is in the coffee’s preparation, and sometimes its ingredients. For instance, Americans probably wouldn’t consider pepper, lemon, and cheese appropriate java mix-ins, but in other cultures these are the norm. Here’s our list of 10 different coffee around

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Origins and Myth of Neapolitan Espresso Coffee

Neapolitan Espresso coffee is a blend of skill, history and expert preparation. Unlike other Italian baristas, Neapolitans do not operate modern automatic and semi-automatic machines. They still prefer the lever-operated one, which is able to produce a complete extraction of the mixture and does not charge stagnant water but clean water directly from the boiler.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I had to watch this most popular of all travel films twice before deciding I liked The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. At first, I thought it was silly, but then after a second and now a third and fourth, I can understand why it is at the top of most lists of best travel

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“The Way” a sweet trip for Estevez and his dad

“The way” is a film written and directed by Emilio Estevez, set on the famous “The Way to Santiago”. As you can guess from the name, the story is mainly set on the ancient way to Santiago de Compostela, an important pilgrimage destination for more than a thousand years. The protagonist is Thomas “Tom” Avery,

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Origin of Sicilian cannoli

When we thinks about Sicily, the beautiful beaches, the fascinating monuments and the thousand-year-old and varied culture immediately come to mind but before all this stuff, before the beautiful Volcano Etna, the blue sea, the valleys of the greek temples CANNOLI comes to our mind.   A dessert now known and appreciated all over the

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Grandi Vini: Terra di Lavoro Galardi

Terra di Lavoro   Il territorio dove nasce questo straordinario vino, si estende su un terreno vulcanico di grande potenzialità digradante verso il mare.I vigneti e gli uliveti sono inseriti in un’incantevole cornice di boschi di castagno che si alternano sulle pendici del vulcano di Roccamonfina offrendo una straordinaria occasione di incontro con la natura.

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The Road Not Taken 

Written in 1915 in England, “The Road Not Taken” is one of Robert Frost’s—and the world’s—most well-known poems. Although commonly interpreted as a celebration of rugged individualism, the poem actually contains multiple different meanings. The speaker in the poem, faced with a choice between two roads, takes the road “less traveled,” a decision which he

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Guide to Okavango Delta: Africa’s Natural Wonder

The Okavango Delta, located in northern Botswana, is one of the world’s largest inland deltas and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This unique ecosystem, where the Okavango River fans out into the Kalahari Desert, creates a lush and vibrant oasis teeming with wildlife. The Okavango Delta in northern Botswana is one of the planet’s most beautiful

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Guide to Masai Mara: Your Ultimate Safari

The Masai Mara, often simply referred to as the Mara, is a stunning wilderness located in southwestern Kenya. The name ‘Mara’ means ‘spotted’ in the Maa language of the Maasai people, the area’s ancestral residents. This name aptly describes the landscape, which from a distance appears dotted with acacia trees, indentations, and craters. The Mara’s

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Guide to Kruger National Park: Home to the Big Five

Kruger National Park, located in northeastern South Africa, is one of Africa’s largest and most renowned game reserves. Established in 1898, this iconic park sprawls across nearly 20,000 square kilometers in northeastern South Africa, encompassing diverse ecosystems ranging from lush savannas to dense woodlands. Home to the Big Five—lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros—Kruger National

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Guide to Bwindi Impenetrable: The Perfect Gorilla Safari

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park offers some of the most memorable wildlife experiences in Uganda. It is located in the southwest corner of the country, along the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, this park is globally renowned as a sanctuary for the endangered mountain gorillas. It is one of only four parks on

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The Best Hot Air Balloon Rides in the World

Hot air ballooning offers a unique perspective on the world. This form of aerial adventure has evolved from a mode of transportation to an exhilarating pastime for thrill-seekers and romantics. Modern hot air balloons are marvels of engineering and artistry, combining safety and aesthetic appeal. Choosing the right balloon for your adventure involves considering various

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Most Famous Walls in the World worth checking out

Walls have long been constructed for various purposes, from defense to demarcation and sometimes as monuments of cultural significance. These structures stand as proof to human ingenuity, resilience, and historical context. The most famous walls around the world captivate not just for their sheer size and engineering marvels but also for the history within their

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Best Safari Destinations Outside Africa

When imagining the typical safari, Africa often tops the list with its unrivaled wildlife and extensive game reserves. The Great Migration and numerous conservancies make Africa a must-visit for any wildlife enthusiast. Yet, the world is filled with diverse ecosystems and unique safari opportunities beyond Africa’s borders. From the lush rainforests of Asia to the

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Coffee destinations across the globe worth a visit

The allure of coffee often extends beyond its rich aroma and comforting ritual. It could be the silky initial sip or the satisfying final drop that captivates us. Whatever the appeal, coffee holds a special place in our daily lives, with global consumption reaching approximately 2.25 billion cups each day. But where can you find

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Best African Cities to live and work in 2024

While the cost of living is rising globally, several African cities remain remarkably affordable. This offers a special advantage in today’s economic landscape. These cities provide access to essential services, amenities, and opportunities at lower costs, fostering social cohesion and bridging socioeconomic gaps. As affordability continues to shape urban development, these African cities stand out

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