Forra:one of the most beautiful scenic roads in the World

The Strada della Forra on lake Garda is the eighth wonder of the world and It is surely one of the most beautiful scenic roads in the World

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This road is one of the most beautiful scenic roads in the World.

One of the best ways to reach Tremosine sul Garda is to drive the spectacular Strada della Forra: the breathtaking route that winds through the wild gorge carved by the Brasa Torrent, from the lake to Pieve di Tremosine sul Garda.

The Strada della Forra is one of the most beautiful scenic roads in the World.

From Winston Churchill to James Bond, this spectacular stretch of road carved into the rock has been acclaimed by history and made famous by the cinema. The Strada della Forra is a road, about 6 km long, that through tunnels, hairpin bends and winding curves allows you to enter the bowels of the mountain by crossing the gorge of the Brasa torrent to reach the beautiful village of Tremosine (423 m above sea level) from the lakeside road.

It is located in the province of Brescia, on the northern Lombard shore of Lake Garda, immersed in a setting that is nothing short of fairytale.

It is no coincidence that Winston Churchill called it ‘the eighth wonder of the world’ during its inauguration in 1913.Strada della Forra is a gem of engineering and landscape.
The level of genius behind it, which dates back to the early 20th century, defies logic.

The road was built by exploiting a crack in the rocks created by the Brasa stream, and follows the bends in the mountain and the stream of water.

If we take into consideration the time of its construction, how long it took to make and the engineering solutions adopted, one has to admit that this was a truly phenomenal feat for that specific historic period.

It was also the scene of a grandiose chase in the James Bond saga film ‘007 – Quantum of Solace‘, in which Daniel Craig drove his Aston Martin at full speed.

How can I reach the Strada della Forra on Lake Garda?

From the SS45 bis road, take the SP38, well marked by a special sign indicating -Strada della Forra-. The entrance to this road is located between the tunnel that leads to Campione del Garda and the town of Limone sul Garda.

We recommend driving caution as the road is quite winding, narrow, full of tunnels dug into the rock and above all worthy of your attention in capturing every glimpse, every hole, every set embroidery.

In high season it can only be traveled uphill, to avoid blockages due to the narrow dimensions of the carriageway in some points, which does not allow two cars to pass at the same time. The way down on the way back is taken from Pieve di Tremosine. It is a very quiet road for driving but also full of beautiful views of Lake Garda and its perched villages. It takes you back to the SS45bis road at Limone sul Garda. It is 11 km long.

Also for this reason the Strada della Forra is a paradise for motorcyclists, who, slender and free, can pass through in complete tranquility, enjoying the 360° panorama that only two wheels can offer.

It is also possible to travel on foot and by bicycle, the only way for those who are passionate about sports and want to grasp every scenario with all the time at their disposal (apart from a few points with the motorcycle, it is impossible to stop with the car along the way).

For trekking lovers, it is possible to venture along the path n ° 201 Porto – Pieve. You walk about 350 meters in altitude between mountain mule tracks and natural stairways. The route is of medium difficulty, for a total duration of about 3 hours.

The starting point is in the village of Pieve di Tremosine, next to Piazza Cozzaglio, and comes out at Cimaporto, from the dialect “n sìma pórt”, that means, at the top of the port.


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