How I Relax on Lazy Sundays

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You wake up and you know it’s going to be a lazy Sunday.  Today is all about the fine art of having a relaxing, soothing, snoozing Sunday! A perfect slow day, a day for breakfasts in bed, naps and baths.

“I’ve heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?”
Ronald Reagan

1. Have a leisurely breakfast or brunch.
Cook something you wouldn’t have time to cook on a weekday morning. Go all out, make coffee in a french press (if you have one – I actually prefer instant coffee) have some toast, spread out your newspaper like you own the place, grab a book, grab a kindle or whatever else you have to read to hand and read slowly. Don’t rush, savour your brekkie and pretend you’re in a cafe. This works for me anyway.

2. Take a relaxing bath
Find a nice bath bomb, a book or your favorite magazine, some candles, essential oils for your relaxing bath. LUSH Bath Bombs are the best way to enjoy bath time. When you enter one of their store it smells amazing. Taking a bath with a Lush bath bomb feels like a luxury!

3. Get out of your house.
Go for a 30-minute walk in the park. I love to do this on a Sunday. I’ll go to Starbucks or buy a healthy green juice and have a nice walk.

4. Stop and smell the roses
Find a quiet spot and take some time to sit, relax and just be for a while. Whether you stay for a minute, 10 minutes or more, you’re sure to feel refreshed and that little bit lighter once you leave your peaceful pocket and get on with the rest of the activities you have planned for your Sunday afternoon.

5. Get lost in a good book
Spend most of your week poring over boring work-related documents, emails, bills and other unexciting paperwork? Ditch the dull reads on the weekend and lose yourself in a gripping novel, literary classic or trashy chick lit instead. Reading isn’t just a pleasurable pastime; studies have shown that it also offers numerous health benefits – such as improving brain function and reducing stress levels – making it the perfect way to relax on a Sunday afternoon before the start of the new work week.

Woman resting with cup of hot drink and book near fireplace

6. Get out of your comfort zone
Enjoy the challenge of picking up new skills or finding a new hobby? Then set aside time each Sunday afternoon to do just that. It can be something as simple as taking up scrapbooking or trying an artistic endeavour that takes a little longer to master, like learning how to play a musical instrument.

7. Potter around the garden
There’s a reason why people enjoy gardening so much: you get to spend time in the sun, while enjoying fresh air; it gets the blood pumping, relieves stress and boosts your mood; plus you get to enjoy the fruits (and flowers and vegetables) of your labour (pardon the pun!) and create a beautiful outdoor space that you can enjoy all-year round. In other words, it’s relaxing, fulfilling and practical, making it an ideal activity for lazy Sunday afternoons, especially for those who enjoy spending time in the great outdoors.

8.Plan your next week
Put on your favorite relaxing music. Get something to drink, shut off the Internet and find a quiet place. Make time for your weekly planning process.


9. Netflix
Netflix is perfect for your lazy Sunday.We love lazy Sundays, and with most of our series back with a new season, our Sundays have become even better!

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