The Astonishing Ancient Sites of Iran

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The former capital of the ancient Persian Empire, Iran is the hub of culture and history. The relics of Iran’s affluent past can still be glimpsed across the region. From ancient cities to famed monuments, grand bazaars, holy places, and remnants of the incredible Persian Empire are scattered in Iran.

Here are some of Iran’s best historic sites to guide you on a historic trip along Iran’s ancient attractions you should visit. Don’t miss out if you really want to have fun while you stay in Iran.


Persepolis was once the capital of the ancient Persian Empire. It was founded around 515 BC and displays the majesty of powerful kings of the times. Persepolis has survived the test of time and the ruins tell the story of its grand history. Nowadays the site is also known as Takht-e- Jamshid.

Persepolis was a ceremonial place and had several palaces and architectural buildings in it. Alexander the Great burned the magnificent Persepolis down and destroyed it. The ruins of the fire can be seen still. No tour to Iran is complete without a trip to the ruins of Persepolis. In the ruins, you will find Hadish palace, The Gate of All Nations, Apadana Palace, Tachara palace, The Council Hall, and The Throne Hall.


Another iconic ancient site in Iran is Pasargadae. It was once the capital of the great Persian Empire. The town survived its history and is standing still. There are many ancient palaces and fortresses here. Tall-e-Takht is what people call the still visible sites today. It was founded by Cyrus the Great.

Find many architectural monuments, tombs, and temples here in Pasargadae. The mausoleum of Cyrus the Great is made of limestone. Little did people know that Pasargadae has the earliest planned garden in the Middle East and West. Today the remains of the garden are scarce. You can still see the ruminants of the bridge foundation and the water channels’ outline.

Kandovan Village

In the North-West of Iran lies the historic cave settlement named Kandovan Village was founded in the late 13th century. The caves of Kandovan Village were used by the refugees who fled the Mongol invasion. Today only a few of the caves are in use, made up of cone-shaped rocks. You will surely be amazed if you gaze upon these dwellings.

Kandovan Village is distinguished for its incredible rocky architecture which is the outcome of volcanic movements and hand-carved patterns. The tourists are usually captivated by its remarkable slopes and heretical paths. A trip to the ancient homes of refugees will surely inspire and amaze you.

Khaju Bridge

Khaju Bridge is the oldest bridge in the land of Iran. It is one of the most famous and finest bridges in the country. Indeed, a true depiction of Persian architecture, the bridge is remarkably well preserved and worth visiting if you have ever been to Iran.

The Khaju Bridge is still working even after 350 years have passed. The best time to visit the bridge is at night, when it is magnificent and stunning, illuminated with luminous lights. You can’t ever forget this amazing scene in Isfahan.

Meidan Emam

The jaw-dropping architecture of Meidan Emam in the heart of the city Isfahan awaits you. You can spend an entire day wondering here. The city of Isfahan is termed Nesfe Jahan (Half the World). Meidan Emam has the largest dome in the town. The other iconic sites here include Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and Ali Qapu Palace.

You will find marvelous and remarkable monuments on each side of the Grand Square. If you are a traveler by heart and you haven’t seen Isfahan and its ancient sites, you are missing a lot. Iran is waiting for you.

Bam Zitadelle

In the heart of the ancient desert city of Bam, lies the Bam Zitadelle. If you ever have thought about what a life-size sand castle looks like, do check out Bam. The most recognized and remarkable monument in Bam is Arg-e-Bam as old as 2000 years. It was built with a specific type of mud bricks known as Khesht.

It was once the hotspot and favorite destination for tourists until a devastating earthquake in 2003 nearly diminished it. Now the Bam Zitadelle is rubble related to its earlier state. However, it’s still amazing in size, and reconstruction actions are being financed by numerous states.

Sum Up

Iran invites you to encounter the affection of the Iranian people. Isfahan, Tehran, Shiraz, and the whole of Iran are offering you a remarkable opportunity to discern the country’s extensive archaeological sites, and artistic interests. You explore the cultural past of the Persian Empire in Iran. Embrace the rich cultural heritage of Iran, showcasing its ancient architecture and unique gems for you to explore. You will never get bored in Iran, and that is for sure.


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