Top 5 Christmas Movies to Make Your Christmas Better

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Christmas brings so much joy, happiness, and an excellent time to spend with families and friends. Also, Christmas means presents from close ones. But, there is another thing that describes this festive season more delightfully and hilariously. We are talking about all-time favorite Christmas movies. 

Here, we have listed five top must-watch Christmas movies that you can enjoy in a relaxing mood and sip your favorite drink.

The Holiday (2006)

Sometimes we need some cheesy moments to cherish our time, and a Holiday movie has everything in a bucket complete. This movie has a brilliant script line with outstanding casting. Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz were the female leads of this movie aired in 2006. 

It is a rom-com play where the story is based on four people who’re finding new meaning in life. Two women exchanged their homes to spend the Christmas holidays, which may sound fascinating, yet it is so. They leave their belongings and come to a wholly different place. After that, they meet two other people, Jude Law, and Jack Black. Later on, the story goes through some emotional states. Eventually, they find their fancy men and grab that blissful gin to enjoy the Christmas spirit for the rest of their life.

Home Alone

The actor Macaulay Culkin thinks that Home Alone is not the most significant thing that happened to him; instead, it is a more classical and iconic Christmas hit. We hope almost everybody has watched this movie several times, but for those who have yet to watch this epic movie, we are presenting a brief storyline. Here, the scene revolves around a family who is almost set to fly to Paris, but accidentally they forget to take their youngest son, Kevin McCallister. After that, they suddenly discover Kevin is not with them when they reach Paris. So while they desperately try to return to the US, some cracksmen try to enter Kevin’s house.

However, the story continues with some variegated consequences and hilarities. Kevin’s intelligence and skillful techniques help save him and his house from those buglers. And to make his plans successful, he used a tarantula and cardboard for artful cutouts. 

It’s A Wonderful Life

Most of us believe Christmas is a vibrant, colorful winter festival. So black and white is not appealing to their eyes if the movie. At that time, color movie was just beyond imagination. It may sound weird if we ask you to go to this movie this Christmas, but still, you can trust us and watch this wonderful movie. 

Though this terrific movie did not create much whip, it proved a timeless story afterward. Here, the film is based on George Bailey, who is an established businessman who will experience what life would be when there is no guardian angel to make him exist in this world. So, when George realizes that life is without the shelter of a guardian angel, he starts to think positively. So, the movie wants to portray that Christmas makes you realistic and brings that joy and happiness that you can find in every small thing. Moreover, this movie teaches us love has the supreme power to make us the wealthiest person in the world.

The director, on the first hand, made snow with cornflakes and white paint. But, after that, when he saw that these flakes were creating noises, so he took an alternative way and used sop, foaming, and water. After so much effort and laborious performances by every person connected to this movie, this classic creation was honored with Academy Technical Achievement Award in 1948.

Die Hard (1988)

If you think this movie is not worth watching at Christmas time, we suggest you think twice. Are you right? Die Hard, dating back to 1988, starts with a Christmas Party, where, unfortunately, some mishaps happened suddenly. A group of terrorists hijacked the party people.    

The next scene starts with tanging of machine guns rising from the rooftop. Then Bruce Willis comes downstairs to deal with the massacre. Then, he makes a list of kidnapped people and checks individuals. After that, surprisingly, Morgan turns out to be Santa Clause and proceeds to hand out Christmas gifts to every lucky kidnapped person. So, this way, he ruined all terrible aghast fun. Conclusively, this all-time famous thriller movie is a Christmas treat for everybody. 

Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

This romantic drama Christmas in Connecticut, released in 1945, is about Barbara Stanwyck, a graceful and lovely lady. This uproarious movie is a classic tale about the co-journalist of Martha Stewart, Stanwyck. Pitifully she is a massive fraud and anxious as her unskilled housekeeping are about to get exposed because her publisher wants o to attend her counterfeit Christmas festivities.

But hilarity falls out differently, and after so many complications, Stanwyck improvises herself as a happy housewife through an epic Christmas love story meeting a war vet Mr. Dennis Morgan.

Everyone on this list will find something for them, from comedy, and romance, to thriller, every pinch of favored movies you can enjoy. In this spirit and aesthetic feeling of Christmas, we try to dish out some generosity for everyone who will read this article.

Lastly, read more about travel around the world here.

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