
Cibo & Viaggi: Top 4 ristoranti della Campania

Ciao Ragazzi oggi vi presento la mia personale lista dei top 4 ristoranti della Campania. Spero vi piaccia e buona lettura! 1) La Fratanza- Nocera superiore La Fratanza è un edificio storico poco fuori dal paese, lasciatevi guidare dal navigatore per essere sicuri di raggiungerlo. Il simpatico cuoco – in sala durante il servizio –

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The World’s 4 Most Beautiful Italian Lakes

WHICH ARE THE 4 MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKES IN ITALY? Clear waters lapped by lush vegetation. Here is the ranking compiled by our users of The Most Beautiful Italian Lakes ideal for swimming and to combine the sun and water with the charm of mountains, countryside and villages.  Mirrors of green water or the color of the sky.

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The bean of Controne and its history

Hello my friends, today I decided to travel with you again! I decided to bring you a famous Italian product that I ate and it was an explosion of flavors. This product is called “bean of controne”. At the foothills of Cilento, in Controne, a town whose origins date back to the ninth century AD,

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The scimmietta and his 5 star ice cream

Good afternoon guys, I’m happy to post another article that leads me to think wonderful things about Italy and manages to convey to you my tastes and feelings about these places and foods…. it’s all truly unique and wonderful! Before I tell you about my discovery I wanted to tell you that you don’t have

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Secret World: Naples and it’s Tortano

Good evening guys, today I’m going to tell you about another food that I discovered in a place near Naples. You might be wondering why I am writing all these articles about Naples and thinking about it my answer is because Naples is beautiful and also because I am there to visit it these days…but

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Top 10 Beautiful Countries in the World

Top 10 Beautiful Countries in the World

In a World made up of 193 countries, it seems nearly impossible to narrow down a list of the Top 10 Beautiful Countries in the World.  The world is full of many beautiful places, yet some countries seem to have more blessings than others, all countries in the world have something.they are known for, each

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Sweets and Perfumes of Naples: Sfogliatella

Dear friends, today I am going to tell you about another great discovery I made while wandering through the streets and neighborhoods of that famous and extraordinary city, Naples. I was in a bar, which if I remember correctly was called “Carraturo“, and it was full of inviting looking sweets. As every time I asked

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Rose Valley 

Bulgaria is one of the biggest rose-oil producers in the world and a country that has been closely related to the beautiful flower for centuries. The Rose Valley is the area where the biggest rose plantations and the main rose-oil facilities are located. The Rose Valley is located just south of the Balkan Mountains and the eastern part of the

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Top 7 Best Travel Gadgets for 2023- Part 1

You may expect less chaos, better organization, and more fun from your time spent on the move with the help of any number of these innovative devices. Which options represent the greatest travel gear for the year 2023? Fortunately, we are a team of seasoned travelers who have seen everything and learned from our mistakes.

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7 Best Island Vacations in the World- Part 2

Sometimes a little bit of sun, sea, and sand is all you need after seeing ancient ruins, modern museums, and other artificial marvels. Many dreams of visiting a tropical paradise like Fiji or Maui, with warm weather, palm trees, and a pristine beach. Fuerteventura in the Canaries and Vis in Croatia are two close options

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7 Best Island Vacations in the World – Part 1

Whether you are looking for a traditional summer holiday or a means to escape the winter blues by traveling to the other hemisphere, the greatest island holidays in the world are waiting for you. When you reach your island paradise, surrounded by water on all sides, those  notes almost write themselves. But where do you

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Do you belong to that group who love to plan their solo travel and don’t like any interruption by other person or group mates? Also, you may be the kind of person who loves to make moments on impulse and feel delightful. Here we have run down some countries you should bookmark for your solo

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No matter the time of year, a cabin vacation may be a relaxing and enjoyable escape with friends, family, a significant other, or even on your lonesome. However, organizing the ideal cabin getaway might be challenging due to the abundance of rental agencies (and individual houses) available. U.S. News has compiled a list of 22

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The ultimate in coziness is a cottage in the woods. Picture a world where the sound of blaring horns is replaced with the gentle rushing of streams and the rustling of trees. Next, combine the woodsy aroma of wood with the floral scent of wildflowers. Those who find this description heavenly are not alone. A

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Top 7 Travel and Hospitality Trends to Look Out for in 2023

2022 was the official year when the travel and hospitality industry opened up after long being confined at home. So, this current year 2023, has witnessed much-needed travel and economic elevation through the tourism world. People again are going out for skies, seas, roads, hiking, and mountaineering with more zeal than ever, captivated by pandemic

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Cuba is the biggest Caribbean island country and a possible travel destination for people all over the globe. Cuba’s continued popularity as a tourist destination may be attributed to the enchantment of its unique combination of old and new, rural and urban. That’s why visitors to Cuba always seem to put Cuba at the top

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Here Are 5 Things to Do in Cuba(Part-1)

It’s almost hard to narrow the finest things to do in Cuba down to a manageable list of 5, but we at Time Out are nothing if not ambitious. Even though it’s just 90 miles from the United States, Cuba is still relatively untouched by foreign people, who choose to focus on the island’s antique

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