
Lua de mel romântica na Turquia

Repleta de encantos e dona de uma cultura histórica que, combinada a paisagens surpreendentes, garantem uma atmosfera romântica ideal para uma viagem longe do óbvio. Em um encontro cheio de contrastes, a Turquia mistura os ares modernos do Ocidente com as tradições do Oriente, revelando tesouros e cartões-postais emblemáticos que estampam alguns dos cenários mais

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Os melhores destinos para quem quer surfar

Uma surf trip para algum destino paradisíaco é o sonho de qualquer surfista. Os melhores países e lugares do mundo para surfar não são simplesmente belas praias. Para receber esse título, é preciso que haja uma combinação de ondas perfeitas, vento, não ter tubarões (de preferência), além, claro, de serem belas praias. Todos os surfistas,

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5 Days Trip in the UK: Everything you must do here- Pt. 1

The UK, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales, & Northern Ireland, has long been one of the most visited countries in Europe. The country’s beauty and charm stem primarily from its varied landscapes and extensive cultural history. The United Kingdom is home to several excellent attractions, from historic manors and castles to cutting-edge museums and

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test post as draft

Your Instagram galleries are automatically updated as you post new photos and videos to Instagram. Search engines love this because they see that your website is active and still going. If you don’t post often yourself, add a hashtag feed or a tagged posts feed to keep your site looking fresh and vibrant through user-generated

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Os encantos da Suíça

Os Encantòs da Suíça reside nas suas maravilhosas contradições. Venha descobri-los connosco 6 lugares espectaculares num país que o deixará sem palavras

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Passeios culturais pelo Egito

 O país possui uma das histórias mais longas e intrigantes da antiga civilização, sendo responsável pela construção de alguns dos monumentos e personagens mais famosos da humanidade como as pirâmides, esfinges, também tendo sido uma das mais poderosas de seu tempo e uma das primeiras a surgir de forma independente no mundo.  Quando se trata

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Natal em Nova York

Natal em Nova York é uma experiência mágica que todos precisam ter pelo menos uma vez na vida.Se você escolheu viajar, tenha certeza que viverá momentos inesquecíveis

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Two days weekend in Vegas- travel itinerary

There are several good reasons why Las Vegas attracts more than 41 million people annually. To put it briefly, Las Vegas provides guests with a vacation from reality and an average of 310 sunny days per year. The adage “go big or go home” is untrue when it comes to Las Vegas!” The city’s main

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Top 5 Music Festivals In Europe 2022- The Ultimate Guide

In many respects, Europe is the intellectual and artistic center of the Western world. The continent is a traveler’s paradise due to its wide variety of languages, peoples, and historical sites. French, Italian, Czech, and Austrian capitals have a rich history as cultural epicenters. As a result, it should come as no surprise that European

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8 Amazing Solo Camping Destinations in North America

Nothing will be more adventurous than solo camping at the base of mother nature. If you love to face life challenges, your bucket list might be demanding new things to explore. So if you want to sing your lyrics and beat your drum, come to North America to experience the ultimate camping edge. Here, we

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Are you an outdoor enthusiast? Here are some survival tips

We live in a world where ease and convenience have become the backbone of our livelihood. But what happens when you have no matches and gasoline to make a fire? Or you don’t have GPS to help you find your way? It is easy to forget how dangerous the wild can get in a world

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Some off-the-beaten destinations in Asia worth checking out

Arguably the most quintessential backpacker destination, Asia is the largest Continent spanning over 45 million square kilometers. For decades, Asia has been a travel mecca for travelers looking to escape the noise in the city for tranquil nature walks and a bond with the gods. Thanks to its impeccable blend of beauty and culture, traveling

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5 Best Weekend Trips to Take Around Houston This Fall

Will you be getting away this weekend? In addition to being one of the largest cities in Texas, Houston is also a fantastic destination for a quick weekend trip. It’s impossible to overstate the beauty of the town’s appeal. This variety of breathtaking locations is perfect for groups of any composition. Also, the greatest aspect

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2 Days Weekend In NYC- Travel Itinerary

The city that never stops moving. Even after all the times we’ve been to New York City, we feel like we’ve just reached the limits of this fantastic metropolis. However, whether this is your first trip to New York or if you want to experience the city’s attractions, there are several places you really must

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Is there a way to study and travel? Here are tips on how to

Traveling as a student has to be the best human experience. With no responsibilities or family to look after, students can get pretty wild on the road. “Live like there is no tomorrow” is one anthem synonymous with young travelers. However, whether you are doing a long-term or short-term course, school has proven to be

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