Maria Clara Mari

Escritora brasileira, apaixonada por viagens, surf e livros :)

Lua de mel romântica na Turquia

Repleta de encantos e dona de uma cultura histórica que, combinada a paisagens surpreendentes, garantem uma atmosfera romântica ideal para uma viagem longe do óbvio. Em um encontro cheio de contrastes, a Turquia mistura os ares modernos do Ocidente com as tradições do Oriente, revelando tesouros e cartões-postais emblemáticos que estampam alguns dos cenários mais

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Os melhores destinos para quem quer surfar

Uma surf trip para algum destino paradisíaco é o sonho de qualquer surfista. Os melhores países e lugares do mundo para surfar não são simplesmente belas praias. Para receber esse título, é preciso que haja uma combinação de ondas perfeitas, vento, não ter tubarões (de preferência), além, claro, de serem belas praias. Todos os surfistas,

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Os encantos da Suíça

Os Encantòs da Suíça reside nas suas maravilhosas contradições. Venha descobri-los connosco 6 lugares espectaculares num país que o deixará sem palavras

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Passeios culturais pelo Egito

 O país possui uma das histórias mais longas e intrigantes da antiga civilização, sendo responsável pela construção de alguns dos monumentos e personagens mais famosos da humanidade como as pirâmides, esfinges, também tendo sido uma das mais poderosas de seu tempo e uma das primeiras a surgir de forma independente no mundo.  Quando se trata

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Natal em Nova York

Natal em Nova York é uma experiência mágica que todos precisam ter pelo menos uma vez na vida.Se você escolheu viajar, tenha certeza que viverá momentos inesquecíveis

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As melhores praias para visitar na Itália

Normalmente as pessoas viajam para a Itália pensando em visitar os destinos mais clássicos. O que muita gente não sabe é que o país é repleto de passeios maravilhosos, sobretudo os naturais. Você sabia que depois da Grécia, a Itália é o país europeu com o maior número de costas? Por isso, todo verão milhares

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Aproveitando o inverno na França

O inverno na França inspira poesia até para os menos românticos e a atmosfera preenchida pelo charme sugere roteiros turísticos incríveis na terra dos vinhos e dos queijos. Com a chegada do inverno europeu e o fim da alta temporada, há menos viajantes pelo país e a França volta a ser dos franceses. Ideal para

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Guide to Kgalagadi National Park

Guide to Kgalagadi Transfrontier: Africa’s Arid Safari

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is one of the most unique and captivating parks in Southern Africa. Stretching across both South Africa and Botswana, this expansive park covers over 38,000 square kilometers, making it one of the largest protected areas in the world. Its name, “Kgalagadi,” translates to “place of thirst,” reflecting the arid, semi-desert environment of

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Guide to Katavi National Park

Guide to Katavi: Tanzania’s Pristine Safari

Located in the remote southwestern region of Tanzania, Katavi National Park is one of the country’s most unspoiled and least-visited wildlife reserves. Spanning over 4,471 square kilometers, it is Tanzania’s third-largest national park. Despite its size, it remains an off-the-beaten-path destination, drawing only a few hundred visitors each year. This isolation has allowed the park

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Guide to Spending a Weekend in Marrakech

Guide to Spending a Weekend in Marrakech

Marrakech is known as the “Red City” due to its distinct terracotta buildings that offer a fascinating blend of ancient tradition and modern vibrancy. It is found at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. This Moroccan gem serves as a gateway to both the desert and the mountains, making it a perfect destination for a

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Top Street Food Delicacies to munch on while in Africa

Top Street Foods to munch on while in Africa

Africa is a vast and diverse continent, and its street food scene reflects this rich cultural blend. From busy urban centers to quaint rural towns, the street food culture offers a tantalizing experience for locals and travelers. Each country has its unique flavors, influenced by local ingredients, traditions, and culinary techniques that have been passed

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Top Floating Bars Worth a Visit

Top Floating Bars Worth a Visit

Floating bars offer a unique experience for travelers and locals, combining the magic of the water with the enjoyment of great drinks and food. These unique establishments not only serve up craft cocktails and culinary delights but also provide unparalleled views as they drift on lakes, rivers or seas. The relaxed ambiance of these bars,

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The Best Small Towns in Europe Worth Visiting

The Best Small Towns in Europe Worth Visiting

Europe is famous for its grand cities such as Paris, Rome, and London, which attract millions of visitors each year. Yet, beyond these metropolitan marvels lies a collection of small towns, each with its unique charm and history. These towns offer a more intimate and authentic experience of European culture, allowing you to explore cobblestone

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The Best Amusement Parks in Europe

The Best Amusement Parks in Europe

Europe is home to some of the most exciting and diverse amusement parks in the world. From adrenaline-pumping roller coasters to family-friendly attractions, these parks offer unforgettable experiences for visitors of all ages. Each amusement park in Europe boasts its own unique charm, blending thrilling rides with cultural influences and stunning landscapes. Whether you’re looking

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Guide to Tarangire National Park

Guide to Tarangire: Tanzania’s Less-traveled Safari

Tarangire National Park is a hidden gem often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors, such as Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Covering an area of about 2,850 square kilometers, the park is named after the Tarangire River, which serves as a lifeline for the diverse wildlife, particularly during the dry season. This river draws in thousands

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Guide to South Luangwa National Park

Guide to South Luangwa: Zambia’s Authentic Escape

South Luangwa National Park is located in eastern Zambia. It is one of Africa’s premier wildlife destinations, famed for its dense concentration of game and diverse ecosystems. Covering an area of about 9,050 square kilometers, the park is set along the Luangwa River, which acts as a lifeline for the region’s wildlife. The river’s meandering

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