
As melhores praias para visitar na Itália

Normalmente as pessoas viajam para a Itália pensando em visitar os destinos mais clássicos. O que muita gente não sabe é que o país é repleto de passeios maravilhosos, sobretudo os naturais. Você sabia que depois da Grécia, a Itália é o país europeu com o maior número de costas? Por isso, todo verão milhares

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Aproveitando o inverno na França

O inverno na França inspira poesia até para os menos românticos e a atmosfera preenchida pelo charme sugere roteiros turísticos incríveis na terra dos vinhos e dos queijos. Com a chegada do inverno europeu e o fim da alta temporada, há menos viajantes pelo país e a França volta a ser dos franceses. Ideal para

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Festas à noite e passeios de dia: curta o verão alemão

Você sabia que a Alemanha é um dos países mais visitados do mundo? Além de uma cultura riquíssima e gastronomia inesquecível, o local conta com belas paisagens com experiências totalmente distintas dependendo da época do ano.  Dito isso, vale deixar bem claro que para moradores de regiões tropicais, como o Brasil, pode ser um incômodo

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Um paraíso desconhecido: Tailândia, além de Bangkok

Todos conhecem ou já ouviram falar da frenética Bangkok, ou pelo menos do país no qual a cidade é capital: Tailândia. Muitos dizem que para aproveitar uma boa viagem a este país é necessário visitar Bangkok, mas a proposta aqui é mostrar que além da capital, a Tailândia é lar de lugares que valem a

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Viagem de ostentação: Dubai, a cidade mais extravagante do mundo

Localizada na costa do Golfo Pérsico, Dubai tem os olhos do mundo voltados para ela, com suas atrações chamativas e arquitetura luxuosa. É fácil se deixar encantar pelos prédios adornados em ouro e ilhas artificiais que parecem de verdade. O difícil é saber escolher o que fazer em Dubai e como sair de lá sem

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Conheça a parte mais tranquila do Japão 

Os melhores lugares para visitar no Japão são mais do que conferências de tecnologias e multidões nas ruas de Tokyo. Vale a pena fazer uma viagem pelo tradicional, cultural e (por muitos) desconhecido Japão. Mantenha em mente a flores das cerejeiras, as graciosas árvores que marcam a primavera e colorem as paisagens. Aproveite essa viagem

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Here are the ten most romantic destinations in Asia

You want to sweep your loved one off their feet and take them on a romantic getaway, but you don’t know where to go. You’ve considered Europe and the Caribbean, but you’re looking for something more exotic. Why not consider Asia? Asia is a vast continent with plenty of diverse cultures and landscapes to explore.

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The ten beautiful fountains in the world you ought to know

Have you ever seen a beautiful fountain and wanted to know more about it? In this post, we’ll look at 10 of the most beautiful fountains in the world. From the incredible Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, to the Fountain of Wealth in Suntec City, Singapore, these fountains will amaze and inspire. If you are

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5 Best Weekend Trips to Take Around California This Fall

In search of the top weekend trips in California? To help you have the best weekend in California, we have compiled this insider’s guide written by real Californians. Choosing where to go on a weekend trip in California may be a challenge for tourists from all over the globe and even Californians who have lived

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5 Places to Visit in the US During Fall- 2

While it may seem like every other Instagram traveler is jetting off to some far-flung destination, an amazing trip may be had without leaving the country. While the summer months see the most tourists, we think autumn is the finest time to arrange a vacation, particularly in the United States. As the temperature drops, thoughts

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5 Amazing Places to Visit in Us During Fall-1

A getaway in the autumn is unparalleled. Summer’s flurry of activity has died down. When the Christmas season finally arrives, most tourist hotspots wake up from their slumber and welcome the influx of visitors. We’ve compiled a list of the top ten U.S. destinations to visit in October in case you’ve ever wondered where to

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Top 7 Festivals to Experience in Brazil

Brazil is famous for many things beginning with its exotic beaches, stunning rainforest, and diverse cities. But along with these, it is also culturally rich and has much more to offer. Various cultural events and festivals are celebrated in Brazil, and attending one of these can be a feast for travelers. So let’s begin by

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Top 6 Must-visit Festivals of the USA

Different festivals are celebrated all over the world throughout the year and attending these festivals gives us a taste of the essence and individuality of that place. Talking about the USA, which is already a hyped place for landmarks, mouth-watering cuisine, famous Hollywood productions, natural beauty, amusement parks, and much more, experiencing different festivals unique

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Top 6 Colorful Festivals in Malaysia

Undoubtedly, a festive season brings ultimate enjoyment, happiness, and unforgettable memories. If you are looking for a place where you can enjoy local traditions and have a cultural experience, then Malaysia is a perfect place to head to. The festive season in Malaysia continues the whole year long with incredible passion and fun. However, The

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Top 5 Fantastic Thai Festivals

Thailand is a country with a rich culture and history. As such, it has many festivals that are celebrated all year round. The best carnivals in Thailand are a combination of the old as well as new. Some festivals have been around for centuries, while others have just been created to celebrate Thai culture. Regardless

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